Please note that my blog articles are related to the German red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). As there are many different species in other countries, the information I share here might not apply to all of them.


17. Aug 2020

*2013 † July 12, 2020

Filippo was born on our cedar tree. He was the first squirrel offspring we had in our garden, together with his brother Fips. His mother, named Willi by us, was the first squirrel to get very close to us.

When Filippo grew up, he looked for a territory quite a distance from our garden. Nevertheless, he always came back every spring, always when he could not find food and water in his territory.

When he came back to us a year ago, at the age of six on Easter Monday, it was a miracle for me! Squirrels live on average about three years in the wild. If conditions are good, such as support in the form of supplemental feeding and optimal environment, they can also live five to 8 years. Ten years is extremely rare and if, then rather only in captivity with accommodation in an outdoor aviary with natural equipment.

A year ago Filippo seemed quite old and he had problems with his leg. However, he still managed to climb very well! Rainer said that Filippo would probably not survive the winter….

Yes and then came my personal miracle 2.0!!!

On April 27, Rainer discovered a brown squirrel on our squirrel table. It reminded me of Filippo, but the fur seemed much lighter than I remembered.

Since it had eaten all the nuts lying there, I opened the door very carefully and held out my hand full of nuts to it, which were also taken immediately!!!  At the latest then it was clear to me that it is really Filippo!!! I also recognized him by his tattered ears.

Unfortunately, he did not look good. His right hind leg was sticking out quite a bit and he was walking mainly on three legs. Sitting on the food box, he slipped and fell to the ground. Fortunately, it was not a deep fall.

An animal communicator friend talked to him and found out that he had fallen from a great height and the leg was probably broken.

After Filippo had eaten his fill, he went up to the cedar tree and lay down in our homemade hutch to sleep.

He stayed with us for the next few days as well. I started animal communication and quantum healing on the very day of his return. The quantum healing visibly did him good, he could move his leg better and better and also climb better again.

There was a lot of activity at the cedar tree because Emily’s offspring were jumping around there. All squirrels accepted the squirrel grandpa completely and he was not chased by anyone!

When he felt better, it was probably too busy at the cedar. He went back to his territory. Nevertheless, he came by almost daily to drink and fill his belly! This became a ritual! Whenever I saw him, I brought him his beloved hazelnuts, and he took the first one from my hand! I also always brought him carrots.

I continued to do quantum healing for him, just not on a daily basis anymore.

Since I learned in my animal communication seminar how to find a spirit animal for other animals, I immediately looked for one for Filippo. And I found the owl for him! She now supports and sustains him while walking and climbing the tree. And since she is nocturnal, she also protects him at night!

Since there is more food in nature again, the intervals in which Filippo visits us became longer. He came about once a week. And he always came when he needed help!

During one of his last visits, I noticed that he had an injured, inflamed toe and quite sticky fur. I knew he wasn’t going to live very long and I did everything I could to make his last phase of life as comfortable as possible!!!! He was at peace with it and knew he was going to die soon. I was now doing daily quantum healing for him again! And often he came exactly after the treatment here to eat his fill!

Often he came again almost every day, and it was again our ritual that I brought him his beloved hazelnuts – without shell, to make it easy for him. Which he then took from my hand. Without Corona and as a result my home office this would not have been feasible.

Then last week Wednesday I saw him for the last time. On Thursday he did not come and on Friday I went to my mother for the weekend. On Friday and Saturday he was taken care of by Rainer!

Yes and then on Sunday morning Rainer found him dead under the cedar. He had given me another great gift – he returned to us to die! What trust, what love

I am so grateful that he died here, because now I know for sure that he is no longer alive and I don’t have to wait for his return.

Filippo is always in my heart, and is always with me, and always with my animal communications too!!!!

17. Aug 2020

We are Heike Adam, designer and painter and Rainer Kauffelt, system administrator and photographer and live in Sulzbach/Taunus near Frankfurt. In the Eichhoernchenblog we would like to share our knowledge about squirrels as well as show the photos we take almost daily of our Sulzbach squirrels.

The squirrel ambassador

Last year I gave a talk about squirrels for the first time at the elementary school in Sulzbach. And a week ago I was again at an elementary school, this time in Kelkheim. Again it was a second grade class, even appropriately named squirrel class. I really enjoy...

Ice free squirrel watering hole

Soon it should be cold again, so here is again the tip with the ice-free water trough Take a planting stone or clay pot and put a grave light in it. Then put a clay bowl with water on it. The lower picture is only for illustration, put the clay bowl without gap on the...

Squirrel Baby found – what to do

Since we are now known in the village as squirrel fans and we are contacted from time to time when a squirrel is found, I wrote down what you should do if you find a squirrel baby. Tanja from the Wildtierhilfe Schäfer gave me a lot of tips during a visit to her, so I...