Please note that my blog articles are related to the German red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). As there are many different species in other countries, the information I share here might not apply to all of them.

The squirrel ambassador

3. Feb 2019

Last year I gave a talk about squirrels for the first time at the elementary school in Sulzbach. And a week ago I was again at an elementary school, this time in Kelkheim. Again it was a second grade class, even appropriately named squirrel class. I really enjoy teaching the kids what I know about squirrels. If you start teaching children about nature at an early age, they will hopefully respect it more later on. Because we need nature!

The children are always very enthusiastic about my photos and films and listen very well. And they ask lots and lots of questions 🙂 One comment from a girl was particularly great. I always explain that squirrel babies should not be fed with cow’s milk. The girl then said that the squirrels probably have a cow’s milk allergy 🙂

I explain to the kids, among other things, what to look for when you find a baby squirrel and that it desperately needs help when it tries to climb up you. The children listen very carefully to this, too, and also write down the number of the squirrel sanctuary nearby. Of course, I always mention how important trees are and how they should be preserved if possible. Another very important topic is of course the myth of gray squirrels and that there are no gray squirrels in Germany.

At the end of my talk in Kelkheim, a photo was taken of all of us and with the squirrel mascot and also our book!

The title “Squirrel Ambassador” came from a dear friend who photographs squirrels herself and has also written a squirrel book. I like the title so much that I used it right away 🙂 I will definitely be on the road more often as a squirrel ambassador!!!!

Heike Adam Sulzbachhoernchen

Infoblatt Eichhoernchen

3. Feb 2019

We are Heike Adam, designer and painter and Rainer Kauffelt, system administrator and photographer and live in Sulzbach/Taunus near Frankfurt. In the Eichhoernchenblog we would like to share our knowledge about squirrels as well as show the photos we take almost daily of our Sulzbach squirrels.

Squirrel food box building instructions

Recently I explained here in the blog how a good feed box should look like. Have you now got the desire to build your own feed box? Here are our detailed building instructions, which our publisher has kindly made available to Geolino. Overview of the materials and...

Ice free squirrel watering hole

Soon it should be cold again, so here is again the tip with the ice-free water trough Take a planting stone or clay pot and put a grave light in it. Then put a clay bowl with water on it. The lower picture is only for illustration, put the clay bowl without gap on the...

Squirrel Baby found – what to do

Since we are now known in the village as squirrel fans and we are contacted from time to time when a squirrel is found, I wrote down what you should do if you find a squirrel baby. Tanja from the Wildtierhilfe Schäfer gave me a lot of tips during a visit to her, so I...