Please note that my blog articles are related to the German red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). As there are many different species in other countries, the information I share here might not apply to all of them.

The Hessenschau at the Sulzbach squirrels

14. Jan 2017

Today I would like to report in detail about the visit of the Hessenschau with us.

We were both very excited and Rainer had taken extra vacation. Because of the squirrels, which come in winter rather only in the morning, we have made an extra early appointment with the Hessenschau team. And right on time at 8:30 a.m. they were already there. The editor Mrs. Appel, the cameraman Mr. Sontag and the sound technician Mr. Wilhelm.

Since you can never say exactly when the squirrels will arrive, everything was first set up in the living room so that we could film the squirrel table outside. Even a GoPro and a small microphone were installed on the table. And then it was time to wait for the squirrels! And wait… And wait…


We wait…for the squirrels!

It was quite strange, because outside there was no life at all. Not even the birds showed up. Apparently the animal world did not trust the events with us so well. But there were also unusually large cameras set up…

After two hours of waiting, the Hessenschau team decided not to wait any longer. They decided to start with the interior shots and the interviews. That’s what we did. And lo and behold, as soon as there was life and action in the living room, the squirrels came. Rosso as well as Schorschi and Isabella came to the nut bistro to get their nuts. And the big cameras and the action in the living room didn’t interest them at all!


Something different for a change – recordings with the GoPro

At some point, shots were taken of us outside and of course of the squirrels.


Schorschi was after these many filming sometime so tired that he sat on the roof of the nest and he almost closed his eyes from fatigue. And fur care was also important, as you can see in the film 😉


Oh, by the way, during the filming then even a squirrel has looked through the dining room window to us! It probably wanted to check whether the Hessenschau is still there 🙂

After four hours everything was captured in the cameras and the Hessenschau team said goodbye again.

It was a great experience for us and we are happy and proud that our “Sulzbach squirrels” did not let us down and presented themselves so well and ready for filming!

Thanks to the team of the Hessenschau for these exciting hours, we had a lot of fun! And the squirrels obviously too 🙂

And here is the link to the Hessenschau report 🙂



The squirrel blog at Service Trends

We were on the 29.08.2018 on HR television in the program Service Trends with the topic of bloggers 🙂

Many thanks to the HR for this great contribution, it turned out just wonderful!!!

Here is the link to the broadcast (unfortunately not available anymore).

Service Trends

14. Jan 2017

We are Heike Adam, designer and painter and Rainer Kauffelt, system administrator and photographer and live in Sulzbach/Taunus near Frankfurt. In the Eichhoernchenblog we would like to share our knowledge about squirrels as well as show the photos we take almost daily of our Sulzbach squirrels.

Myth grey squirrels – there are no grey squirrels in Germany

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*2013 † July 12, 2020 Filippo was born on our cedar tree. He was the first squirrel offspring we had in our garden, together with his brother Fips. His mother, named Willi by us, was the first squirrel to get very close to us. When Filippo grew up, he looked for a...

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